Setting as a Emblematic Vehicle for Verbalization of Health and Family Planning Messages: A Case Study of Siri: A Kenyan Serial TV Drama
Susan Gitimu, John Mugubi

How does Setting in Film give meaning to action and produce meaning for the audience? One of the most noticeable techniques in a serial drama production is the mise-en-scene technique. This paper examines the role of Setting, an element of mise-en-scene, in a serial drama edutainment. The study contends that in the hands of skilled E-E (Entertainment-Education) producers, setting and objects placed on the set (Props) become concrete vehicles for impacting on an E-E serial drama edutainment. By viewing Setting both as an entity and a symbol as well, SIRI a locally produced serial drama in Kenya is dissected with the objectives to examine the contribution of Setting in the realization of emerging themes. Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) which revolves around the process of learning directly related to the observation of models forms the theoretical basis for the study. The study avers that, enlivened by the actors presence, charged by the dialogue and quickened in the audience imagination, setting and objects placed on the set take on a life of their own as they weave in and out of a drama’s action; impacting on an EE serial drama’s edutainment.

Full Text: PDF       DOI: 10.15640/ijaah.v3n1a1