A Study of the Visual Presentation of Sensory Impressions
Reham A. Sanad

This study highlighted the importance of linking color used in design to sensorial impressions represented. These links induced is based on the kind of sensorial impression. This is related to crossmodal concerned with stimulation of one sense using another one. Four sensorial impression namely texture, odour, sound, flavour were investiagted. The significant purposes of visual representation of sensorial impression are to maximize the added value of a design, engage the audience or consumer in the design, provide entertainment, imitate nature and delivere a message. Texture has been represented in design products such as graphic and fabric design. This is in order to represent natural materials, attract attention, and strike the viewer. It was recomende by researchers to repersnt color and jointly. Sound and music depiction using color are evidently the concern of audio package designers and audio software designers. It is essential to listen to the piece of music or sound to represent it visually on an album cover. Color, shape and motion are used depicting the played audio in order to entertain the listener. Generally, common specifications namely frequency, amplitude and overtone between music and color were found and recomende by previous researchers. For flavor and aroma, indicators of colors representing main flavors could be inferred. These are red and orange for sweet, green and yellow for sour, white for salty and violet and black for bitter. Aroma and odour intensity were found highly linked to design saturation rather than hue and brightness. This could be differing according to aroma source. Light and dark colors were used respectively for women and men fragrance package design.

Full Text: PDF       DOI: 10.15640/ijaah.v6n1a3